Monday, April 18, 2016

Time Hacks for Teachers - H - Have Fun

To grade like a COACH, we'e seen, you need to constantly assess students and give lots of oral feedback. You should also always be a coach, even on test days. And by using creative assessments, which have all these other features built-in, you will begin to save large amounts of time each school year.

One last aspect of grading like a COACH is to have fun. I stopped coaching sports when I started my Ph. D. program. Once I'd finished my degree, I decided going back to coaching wasn't for me. I had just done it because the school needed help, not because it was something I really wanted to do. But I have friends who coach, and for them, they do it because they love it.

In fact, I joked with a few of them that my degree pays more than their coaching, but they would much rather coach. It makes them happy. They love the game, the interactions with the players, and watching kids become better and better. Sometimes those kinds of things are harder to see when it comes to grading.

As I began using the strategies outlined in Grading Like a COACH, grading truly became one my favorite things to do as a teacher. I began to have fun with it. I was able to really see what kids knew, challenge them to move forward, and because it was one-on-one, build better relationships with them.

Once again, I want to challenge you to try these techniques and see if grading like a COACH, not only saves you time, but helps you find more enjoyment in grading. Let us know how it works for you.

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